Vibrational Alignment with the Inner Being

Vibrational alignment with the Energy of my Source is of utmost importance to me. Without it, I would, metaphorically speaking be in a constant state of hibernation! 

In the book The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, Esther (translated for Abraham) and Jerry Hicks says, “Nothing is more important than the vibrational alignment, or maintenance of the continuum between you and You, for every moment is impacted by your Connection or lack of Connection to your Inner Being–to the Total You that you have become, to the You that you were before you were born into this physical body.

Once you understand who-you-really-are and you consciously work to achieve and maintain your vibrational alignment with who-you-really-are, everything else will fall into wonderful alignment. However, if you do not tend to that connection, nothing that you can do will fill the void or take the place of that alignment.”

They go on to say that sometimes we can be influenced into alignment by observing something wonderful or by interacting with someone who is experiencing their own alignment. Also, without even realizing it we can become aligned when we are appreciating something, hence the ultimate importance of gratitude with sincere feeling. I have learned to beware of the importance of always remaining consciously aware of the value of my alignment with Source. I understand how to achieve alignment (studying the SGR Seminar {this program was created by Bob Proctor with Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith, all teachers from The Secret; it is based the teaching of Wallace D. Wattles, the author of The Science of Getting Rich which is featured in The Secret as well}, meditation, appreciation and gratitude, petting my cat, having a good belly laugh and so on!) and I also understand how to maintain my alignment with Source, because every emotion I feel is guidance from my Inner Being. I know that the better I feel the more connected I am to Source Energy and the worse I feel the less connected I am to Source Energy! As I write this I feel overwhelmed with gratitude and bliss for this profound knowledge and for the privilege of putting it into practice in my life.


Esther Hicks also appears in the original version of the film The Secret (portions of which can be seen on ).